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Choosing Your Perfect Wedding DJ: A Step-by-Step Guide!

Choosing Your Perfect Wedding DJ

Your wedding day is one of the most significant days of your life, and the reception? Well, that’s where the real magic happens. It’s where your guests will eat, drink, laugh, and most importantly dance. A great reception leaves people talking about your wedding for years to come, while a dull one? Well, no one wants that. So, what’s the key to a killer reception? The music. And more specifically, who’s controlling that music.

Why Your Wedding DJ Is More Important Than You Think

When you picture your wedding reception, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s the elegant décor, the delicious food, or the moment you and your partner share your first dance. But let’s face it, once the dinner plates are cleared and the speeches are done, the real party starts on the dance floor. And who’s in charge of making sure that dance floor stays packed? Your DJ

A great DJ does more than just play music. They read the crowd, they set the mood, and they know how to get everyone from your little cousin to your great aunt ‘up and dancing’. They’re the difference between a night that’s merely memorable and one that’s fantastic.

But choosing the right wedding DJ isn’t as simple as picking the first name that pops up in a Google search. So, let’s break it down, step by step, and make sure you know exactly what to look for, what to avoid, and how to make sure your reception is the party of a lifetime.

The Art of Choosing the Perfect DJ

Finding the right DJ is a bit like finding the right partner, there needs to be a connection, a shared vision, and a sense of trust. But unlike choosing your partner, you can’t exactly take your DJ out on a few dates to see how they perform. So, how do you make sure you’re picking the right one?

Understand Your Musical Vision
Before you even start looking for a DJ, you need to have a clear idea of what you want your reception to feel like. Are you envisioning a classy, sophisticated evening with jazz and soul playing in the background? Or maybe you want a high-energy dance party with all the latest hits? Perhaps you’re looking for a mix of old-school classics and today’s chart-toppers. Whatever your vision, you need to know it and convey that to your DJ.

Take some time with your partner to discuss your musical tastes. What songs are non-negotiables? Are there any genres you absolutely don’t want? This will give you a framework to work with when you start looking into potential DJs.

Do Your Research
Once you’ve got a clear vision, it’s time to start looking for a DJ who can bring that vision to life. But beware, this isn’t the time to go with the first result you find on Google or the DJ your cousin used five years ago. You need someone who’s going to understand your vibe, get your guests on the dance floor, and keep the energy up all night long.

Select Mobile Disco advises couples to “look for DJs with strong online reviews that match your expectations.” Reviews are a great starting point, but don’t stop there. Dive deeper, look at their social media, check out their website, and see if they have any videos or testimonials. You want to get a feel for their style and see if it aligns with what you’re looking for.

The Selection Process
Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential DJs, it’s time to start the interview process. Yes, you should absolutely interview your DJ. This isn’t just about finding someone who can press play on a playlist; it’s about finding someone who can read a room, keep the energy up, and handle any curveballs that might come their way.

Here are some questions to consider asking during your DJ selection process:

a) What’s your approach to creating a wedding playlist? You want to know how much input they expect from you and how much freedom they take in crafting the playlist.

b) How do you handle song requests? Some DJs love taking requests, while others prefer to stick to the pre-planned playlist. Make sure their approach aligns with your expectations.

c) What’s your backup plan if something goes wrong? Whether it’s equipment failure or a power outage, you want to know that your DJ has a plan in place for any potential issues.

d) How do you get people on the dance floor? This is a big one. A good DJ knows how to read a room and get even the most reluctant dancers up and moving.

Remember, this selection process isn’t just about assessing their skills, it’s also about seeing if you vibe with them. Your DJ is going to be a big part of your wedding day, so you want to make sure you like them as a person, too.

Discover expert tips on choosing the perfect wedding DJ

The Role of Your DJ on Your Wedding Day

Alright, so you’ve found a DJ you like. They’ve got great reviews, you hit it off during the interview, and you’re confident they can deliver. But let’s take a step back and really think about what your DJ is going to do on your wedding day. Because trust me, it’s a lot more than just showing up and playing music.

Setting the Mood
From the moment your guests arrive at the reception, your DJ is setting the mood. Whether it’s with background music during cocktail hour or the first dance, they’re the ones controlling the energy of the room. A great DJ knows how to build anticipation, create emotional moments, and keep the energy up all night long.

But here’s the thing: setting the mood isn’t just about playing the right songs. It’s about timing, pacing, and reading the crowd. A good DJ knows when to slow things down, when to pick them back up, and how to keep everyone engaged from start to finish.

Reading the Room
One of the most important skills a DJ has is their ability to read the room. This isn’t something you can learn from a textbook, it’s something that comes from years of experience. A good DJ knows how to read the crowd and adjust the music accordingly. They can sense when the energy is starting to dip and know exactly what song to play to get everyone back on the dance floor.

But reading the room isn’t just about the dance floor. A great DJ knows how to manage the flow of the entire evening. They know when to play slower songs to give guests a break, when to transition to a different genre to keep things fresh, and how to keep the momentum going all night long.

A cautionary tale: It’s worth noting that some couples, in an effort to save money, consider the idea of renting equipment and simply playing music from a Spotify playlist. If you find yourself considering this, please take the time to reconsider. Many have attempted this approach and it often leads to disappointment. Even the most carefully assembled playlists fail to create the right atmosphere without a professional DJ who can read the room and know which songs will work best at any given time.

Handling Requests (and Rejections)
Song requests can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, they’re a great way to get your guests involved and ensure everyone hears something they love. On the other hand, they can throw off the flow of the night if not handled correctly.

This is where a great DJ really shines. They know how to take requests without letting them derail the night. They can politely reject a song that doesn’t fit the vibe, and they know how to incorporate requests in a way that keeps the energy up.

Select Mobile Disco suggests including an option for song requests on your RSVPs, but with a caveat: “Ask guests to suggest a song the DJ might play, rather than promising that they will play it.” This gives you and your DJ the flexibility to veto anything that doesn’t fit the mood or has been suggested as a joke.

Dealing with the Unexpected
Weddings are unpredictable. Maybe the best man’s speech runs long, or the cake cutting takes longer than expected. A great DJ knows how to roll with the punches and adjust the music accordingly. They can fill in the gaps, keep the energy up, and make sure the night runs smoothly, no matter what happens.

The Timing of Booking Your DJ

Now that we’ve established how crucial your DJ is to the success of your wedding reception, let’s talk about when to book them. Because timing, as they say, is everything.

When to Start Looking
The truth is, the best DJs book up fast. If you want to secure your top choice, you need to start looking as soon as you have your venue and date locked in. Select Mobile Disco recommends booking your DJ as soon as you’ve secured your venue, photographer, and dress. Waiting too long could mean missing out on your first choice, or having to settle for someone who isn’t quite the right fit.

The Booking Process
Once you’ve found a DJ you love, don’t hesitate to book them. Most DJs will require a small deposit to secure the date, with the balance due closer to the wedding. Make sure you get everything in writing, your contract should include details like the date, time, location, payment terms, and any special requests or requirements you’ve discussed.

The Importance of Communication
After you’ve booked your DJ, keep the lines of communication open. As your wedding day approaches, make sure to check in with them periodically to discuss any changes or updates. The last thing you want is for your DJ to show up on the big day with outdated information or misunderstandings about what you want.

Don’t Limit Yourself to Venue-Recommended DJs

Many wedding venues offer a list of preferred suppliers, including DJs, to help couples with their planning. While this can be a useful resource, it’s important to remember that you’re not obligated to choose from this list. In fact, there are several reasons why you might want to look beyond the venue’s recommendations.

The Potential Pitfalls of Preferred Suppliers
Here’s the thing: venues often recommend suppliers for reasons that have nothing to do with their quality or ability to meet your needs. Maybe they have a longstanding relationship, or the DJ offers a discount for being on the venue’s preferred list. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best fit for your wedding.

Select Mobile Disco advises couples to “always ask why a venue recommends certain DJs and check those reasons against your priorities.” Are they recommending the DJ because they genuinely believe they’re the best, or because it’s convenient for them? It’s worth doing your own research to make sure the DJ you choose is the right fit for your vision.

Looking Beyond the List
If none of the venue’s recommended DJs feel like the right fit, don’t be afraid to look elsewhere. There are plenty of talented DJs out there who might not be on the preferred list but could be perfect for your wedding. Just make sure to clear this with your venue ahead of time, some venues have restrictions or fees for bringing in outside vendors.

Getting Unbiased Opinions
One great way to get an unbiased opinion is to ask other vendors, like your photographer or wedding planner, for recommendations. These professionals have likely worked with a variety of DJs and can offer insight into who’s great to work with and who’s not.

Select Mobile Disco points out that “wedding photographers are a great source of independent opinions as they usually get to see DJs in action and know first-hand what they are like to work with.” They can give you the inside scoop on which DJs know how to keep a party going and which ones might not live up to the hype.

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The Power of Song Requests

One of the easiest ways to make sure your guests have a great time at your reception is to let them request songs. After all, everyone loves hearing their favorite tune come on at a party. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle song requests.

Using RSVPs for Song Requests
Including a space for song requests on your RSVPs is a great way to get your guests involved and ensure that everyone hears something they love. It also gives your DJ a heads-up on what your guests want to hear, so they can plan accordingly.

But as Select Mobile Disco advises, it’s important to manage expectations. “Use your language carefully when asking guests for requests,” he says. “Asking them to suggest a song the DJ might play is better than promising the DJ will play it.” This gives you and your DJ the flexibility to veto any requests that don’t fit the vibe of your wedding.

The Dos and Don’ts of Song Requests
When it comes to song requests, there are a few key dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

Do give your DJ a list of must-play songs. These are the songs that are non-negotiable, your first dance, your favorite party anthem, or a song that has special meaning to you and your partner.

Don’t overload your DJ with a huge list of songs. While it’s great to have some input, remember that your DJ is a professional and knows how to read the crowd. Trust them to do their job and don’t try to micromanage every song.

Do include a list of banned songs. If there are any songs or genres you absolutely don’t want to hear at your wedding, make sure your DJ knows. This will prevent any awkward moments or unwanted surprises.

Don’t be afraid to let your DJ have some creative freedom. While it’s important to give your DJ guidance, it’s also important to let them do what they do best. They’ve likely played hundreds of weddings and know what works and what doesn’t. Give them some flexibility to make adjustments on the fly based on the crowd’s energy.

Handling Unwanted Requests on the Day
Even if you’ve carefully managed song requests in advance, there’s always the possibility that a guest will come up to the DJ on the night and request something that’s not on the list. This is where having a professional DJ really pays off, they know how to handle these situations tactfully and keep the party going without offending anyone.

A great DJ will know how to politely decline a request if it doesn’t fit the vibe or isn’t appropriate for the event. They’ll also know how to incorporate requests in a way that keeps the energy up and the dance floor packed.

Giving Your DJ the Guidance They Need

While it’s important to give your DJ some creative freedom, it’s equally important to provide them with the guidance they need to create the perfect playlist for your wedding. After all, they can’t read your mind!

Communicating Your Musical Preferences
One of the best ways to ensure your DJ knows what you want is to give them a list of your favorite songs and artists. This doesn’t have to be an exhaustive list, just enough to give them a sense of your musical tastes and the kind of vibe you’re going for.

Select Mobile Disco advises couples to “get yourself in the right mood to think about the music you want.” This means taking the time to really think about what songs will make you and your guests feel good. What songs make you want to dance? What songs bring back great memories? These are the songs you want to include on your list.

The Importance of Context
When providing your DJ with guidance, it’s important to give them some context. For example, if there are certain songs you want to be played at specific moments (like your entrance, cake cutting, or last dance), make sure to let your DJ know. This will help them create a seamless flow for the evening and ensure that the right songs are played at the right times.

It’s also important to think about the overall flow of the night. You don’t want to start the evening with high-energy dance tracks if your guests are still finishing their dinner. Likewise, you don’t want to end the night with a slow song if you want to go out with a bang. Your DJ can help you plan the pacing of the evening to keep the energy up and the dance floor packed.

Being Flexible
While it’s important to give your DJ guidance, it’s also important to be flexible. Remember that your DJ is a professional and knows how to read the crowd. If they think a certain song or genre will work better at a different time or in a different order, trust their judgment.

Select Mobile Disco notes that “if you don’t feel you can trust your DJ to do their job, then it’s easier all around if you book one you feel you can.” The last thing you want on your wedding day is to be stressed about the music. Trust your DJ to take your guidance and create a playlist that will keep your guests dancing all night long.

Choosing the Perfect Wedding DJ

What to Do If You’re Not Sure What Songs to Include

Choosing the right songs for your wedding can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to start. But don’t worry, there are plenty of resources out there to help you find the perfect songs for every moment of your big day.

Start with the Basics
One of the best ways to start building your wedding playlist is to think about the key moments of the day. These might include:

Your ceremony: What songs do you want to play as you walk down the aisle, during the signing of the register, and as you exit as a married couple?

Your first dance: This is one of the most special moments of the evening, so make sure to choose a song that has meaning for you and your partner.

The cake cutting: This is another key moment that deserves a great soundtrack. Think about a song that’s fun, celebratory, and fitting for the occasion.

The last dance: This is your chance to go out with a bang, so choose a song that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Once you’ve chosen songs for these key moments, you can start building out the rest of your playlist with songs that fit the overall vibe and flow of your wedding.

Get Inspiration from Others
If you’re still not sure what songs to include, don’t be afraid to look for inspiration from other weddings. There are plenty of wedding playlists available online, as well as curated lists of popular wedding songs for every moment of the day.

You can also ask your friends and family for their suggestions. They might have some great ideas for songs that you haven’t thought of, or they might remind you of songs that have special meaning to you and your partner.

Work with Your DJ
Finally, don’t forget to work with your DJ. They’ve likely played hundreds of weddings and can offer valuable insight into what songs work well and which ones might not be the best fit for your reception.

Select Mobile Disco suggests that couples “give DJs the flexibility to have some input.” Your DJ has the experience and knowledge to create a playlist that will keep your guests dancing all night long, so don’t be afraid to lean on their expertise.

The Final Word on Choosing Your Wedding DJ

At the end of the day, your wedding DJ is more than just a supplier, they’re a key player in making sure your reception is everything you’ve dreamed of. By taking the time to choose the right wedding DJ, providing them with the guidance they need, and trusting them to do their job, you can ensure that your wedding reception is a night to remember.

Remember, a great wedding reception is all about the music. It’s what keeps your guests on the dance floor, creates lasting memories, and turns your wedding day into a party that people will be talking about for years to come. So choose wisely, communicate openly, and get ready to dance the night away.

And there you have it, a deep dive into everything you need to know to choose the perfect DJ for your wedding reception. With these tips and insights, you’ll be well on your way to creating a night that you and your guests will never forget.

Happy planning!

Take the next step, get your Instant Online Quote today from Select Mobile DJ & Disco Hire and let us help you create magical memories on your wedding day.

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Customer Testimonials
Darren RobertsDarren Roberts
19:15 15 Sep 24
Fantastic! Excellent set up, extremely friendly and accommodating.
Lee DoughtyLee Doughty
18:02 15 Sep 24
Dj Lisa was brilliant for my wife's surprise 40th party, great range of music all night and everyone was dancing the evening away, can highly recommend
Patricia CresseyPatricia Cressey
10:54 29 Jul 24
We have received so much positive feedback about the disco service that Julie provided for our BIG birthday party. She was absolutely brilliant in every respect and went over and above to accommodate the wishes of us and our guests. She deserves more than five stars!
Joanna MolesJoanna Moles
11:01 28 Jul 24
We could not have asked for a better DJ on our wedding day. Excellent communication and happy to go above and beyond. I would highly recommend Jules. Her set up was amazing, taking lots of care how the lighting and staging looked.
Megan HerdsonMegan Herdson
21:28 18 Jul 24
JJ is a fab DJ who did both my 30th birthday party in 2023 and again for my wedding in 2024. She has a great set up and is fantastic with your guests. She is flexible and has loads of options as well as a really easy to use booking system where you can pick your playlist or specific songs. She communicated fantastically and made sure both my events were smooth as can be and I will recommend her to everyone. Loads of love for JJ and Select Mobile Disco Hire. 11/10!!!
Amber ShepherdAmber Shepherd
13:06 18 Jul 24
Lovely DJ with a great variety of music and good quality equipment, the event was easy going and we really enjoyed it at Amazon during Prime Week! I would highly recommend.
ronak patanironak patani
16:05 25 Jun 24
Really great communication with Jules, easy set up and really patient on the day as we were delayed coming back from the wedding venue. great tunes for our themed 90's house party! deffo recommend!
Jennifer CookJennifer Cook
10:26 30 May 24
DJ Jules performed at our wedding and was 10/10. She was professional and set up her equipment well in advance of our prebooked time. The dance floor was filled all evening - exactly what we hoped for!Highly recommend 👌
Wayne McCullochWayne McCulloch
17:20 23 Apr 24
DJ Jules got us all up and dancing with excellent music, we had a great night. Thanks Jules
Gliding SquirralGliding Squirral
09:50 01 Apr 24
Julie did an amazing job of DJ’ing at my husbands 40th bday party. She played a great selection of music and made sure the dance floor was never empty! Would definitely recommend.
Lisa SmithLisa Smith
20:44 26 Mar 24
Well what can I say, absolutely brilliant 🤩From the moment I sent the first enquiry which was answered within minutes, Julie was able to book and confirm our very late request (less than 2 weeks notice) for a DJ and Photo Booth.Danny was our DJ for our sons 18th party and he made the evening go without a hitch, he had all the party goers up and dancing and the photo booth went down a storm. Danny contacted me ahead of the party and spoke with my son regarding the type of music he and his guests would like to be played so he was playing what they wanted and not what the DJ wanted to play. My son had an amazing time and one that he will remember forever.Thank you Danny and Julie we will definitely be using you again and recommending you to all our friends.

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Jules did a fantastic job at our friend’s birthday party. Jules accommodated all of our requests without any issues and was very prompt in communicating with us.


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Fantastic DJ, Lovely personality and got the whole wedding dancing. Took every care for bride and grooms needs and would 100% recommend. Thank you making our wedding night special.


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Jules was absolutely fantastic, and very dedicated and played great music with all songs requested. I would recommend to anybody and thank you Jules for making our day amazing.